People Prefer Slimmer Phones Over Better Battery Life : HTC

HTC’s new One series of smartphones haven’t been praised a lot for its battery life and power consumption. Some claimed that a bug on the device caused this which would eventually be fixed with an update. Battery life is a major concern for every smartphone user, and it seems like manufacturers tend to forget that quite often. But HTC begs to differ.
According to HTC, users prefer design and aesthetics over battery life. HTC mentions that a balance is vital between design and battery life and at times sacrifices have to be made in one department. We’re not sure who the company has asked, but it’s certainly not true. On one hand we have customers furious about the handset not even lasting a day with full charge, and on the other hand we have HTC mentioning that battery life comes second after the slimness and the design of the handset.
We’re having trouble understanding the reasoning behind this statement and it really doesn’t reflect well on the company. It is hoped that the company will try to fix the battery life issues of the One S with the help of an update, like it did with the One X. A true flagship would excel in all departments, battery life included and we hope HTC understands that.


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